The first collaboration between the two companies resulted in the Connected Maintenance and Drydock System. CMDS brings together Ulysses Systems Task Assistant®, an asset management software application for planned maintenance of sea-going vessels, and VesselMan’s proprietary software for dry-docking operations.

Maintenance and DryDocking Reporting is Seamless

Not only is maintenance and drydocking reporting seamless, but engineers can review maintenance data and history in both systems.

A universal integration solution

Happily, Connected Maintenance and Drydock follows a methodology that is eminently applicable, no matter the systems. The pivotal element is an integration model that is universally applicable to the marine domain by breaking barriers that force managers to tolerate a poor module simply because it shares data with other modules in the same ERP suite. Notably, the model can be used to integrate any PMS and Dry-Docking systems as it indexes maintenance activities and components and understands data utilisation in other applications. This creates tremendous value by freeing the marine enterprise.

Saving reporting time and effort

All too often engineers and offices need to record maintenance in several systems. And it is no secret that this is inconvenient and time-consuming. Now, thanks to the CMDS integration paradigm, users need only report once in the most appropriate system. And the data will be visible from all the other systems in a way that is native to the other system. For example, the maintenance reported on the tablet during a dry-dock in the VesselMan system, can be seen 5 years later in the Task Assistant® PMS system. This is actually indispensable for resources, who must see what work was performed in the previous dry-dock.


The CMDS benefits are diverse:

Finally, as an integration paradigm, CMDS constitutes a universal solution.