Large Language Models (LLMs)
in Shipping
1st April 2025
@ NEW Hotel, Athens

Large Language Models (LLMs)
in Shipping
1st April 2025
@ NEW Hotel, Athens
Improving Transparency
in Tanker Operations
2nd April 2025
@ NEW Hotel, Athens
a mariner's view
of software
Ulysses Systems Task Assistant® Shipmanagement Software Solutions have developed in the atmosphere of practical experience and problem-solving that the Greek Shipping cluster has fostered.
Designed, from the start, to address the core issues of the maritime enterprise, customers can look forward to software that grows with their enterprise. Because the Ulysses Systems goal has always been future-proof solutions.
“Notably, customers, who will select Ulysses Systems Task Assistant®, will not face a pre-existing software application that was later adapted to ship management. Nor a narrow process software solution looking for wider justification in the full context of the shipping enterprise”
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Finding IT excellence in Greece with Ulysses Systems makes sense.
For Ulysses, I.T. excellence means to “keep in step with how urgently ship managers need software to be understandable and extensible.” Ulysses Systems Task Assistant® Ship Management Software supports and provides solutions that work for the maritime enterprise.
We are allowed to speak about futureproof software technologies when software is understandable, extensible, upgradeable and offers assistance at the board-room level. That is, software:
Some of the challenges today with AI and automation is teaching the software to do what humans do, which is not simple. If AI is to compensate for what people do, fortunately there are experts in each domain, who can assist in teaching the software what people do.
And for ship owners and ship managers seriously interested in what AI can do for the maritime enterprise the following link leads to a discussion on the essentials of creating training material for a machine: Automated Learning for Computers Useful for the Maritime Vertical