Maritime Investor Goals
Maritime Investor Goals The essentials of creating training material for a machine that searches by relevance based on modelled knowledge
A ship is an ecosystem with many equipment manufacturers providing components that become integrated. The diverse needs of the ship, which explains the diverse expertise of the manufacturers, has yet to favour a single manufacturer for everything.
Maritime Investor Goals The essentials of creating training material for a machine that searches by relevance based on modelled knowledge
Ulysses Systems Task Assistant® solutions are designed to do the heavy lifting, the marine enterprise needs, dynamically. Software can be much more than a good reporting and compliance tool. To really contribute value, shipping software must dynamically support the maritime enterprise with coordination and risk avoidance.
A Crew Management Solution developed by Ulysses Systems and VesselMan to improve manning based on skills, experience and business requirements relevant to Maintenance and DryDocking activities.
What The Experts Say About making software work better for real shipping processes What do the Experts Say about making
Ulysses Systems R11 Release’s advanced capabilities derive from applying our R&D and patented ownership of new technologies…
“How to Engage Shipowners in Software”, is an interview by Karl Jeffery of Digital Ship, with Dimitris Lyras on how to involve the highest stakeholders in the maritime enterprise, the shipowners, in software that assists in achieving their goals.
Ulysses Systems proudly presents ‘Enterprise Search Solution For Marine Procurement Process’ supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants.
Maritime Investor Goals, Part 2 examines in more depth, why humans are intelligent, and AI is not. The analysis aims to resolve possible misconceptions and moderate the expectations investors have of generative AI. And to highlight the power of machine learning, which is a human accomplishment, in organizing goal-based knowledge structures around maritime investor goals.
Allan Kulka, an exceptional father. We join Dina Vance in her bereavement, and we feel her loss as ours. Ulysses Group
Maritime Investor Goals The essentials of creating training material for a machine that searches by relevance based on modelled knowledge structures The purpose of this
Ulysses Systems Task Assistant® solutions are designed to do the heavy lifting, the marine enterprise needs, dynamically. Software can be much more than a good reporting and compliance tool. To really contribute value, shipping software must dynamically support the maritime enterprise with coordination and risk avoidance.
A Crew Management Solution developed by Ulysses Systems and VesselMan to improve manning based on skills, experience and business requirements relevant to Maintenance and DryDocking activities.
“How to Engage Shipowners in Software”, is an interview by Karl Jeffery of Digital Ship, with Dimitris Lyras on how to involve the highest stakeholders in the maritime enterprise, the shipowners, in software that assists in achieving their goals.
Which parts of Shipping IT can benefit from cloud services and which parts cannot. Read “Cloud Technologies – The experts speak” and find out 🙂
Development experience and leading technology for Ulysses Systems among other things means the following:
Unified data, your integration needs, functionality extensions and digitization of unstructured data form part of our leading technologies
Unified Data Is Really Caring About Cloud and Data Trending Insights from data trends When the discussion is data trending, software vendors need to focus on
Ulysses Systems follows up on Marc Settle’s article in Forbes on ERP versus Best-of-breed, presenting the case for vendors seeking excellence.