22 - 26 November
Software Techniques for Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems
Commonalities in security in cyber-physical systems require a model of the many levels of abstraction stretching between the legislative bodies regulating security and the underlying cyber-physical systems
Thursday 25th November, Dr Kostas Kontogiannis, Professor at the University of Western Ontario and Western Research Chair in IBM Center for Advanced Studies, hosted the Workshop “Software Techniques for Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems”, in the framework of CASCON x EVOKE 2021, the premier industrial & academic conference sponsored by IBM, 22-26 November
Among the distinguished presenters from academia were Professors Daniel Amyot, University of Ottawa, Arno Jacobson, University of Toronto, Aleem Alvi, Centennial College and Iluju Kiringa, University of Ottawa.
Among the presenters from the Software Industry were Dimitris Lyras, Ulysses systems, and Askan Rahimi Kian, I-EMS Group Ltd.
Dimitri Lyras presented an executing model that can monitor security compliance in cyber physical systems (CPSs) by propagating potential security breaches taking place in the CPSs themselves to the stake-holding enterprises, in the multiple socio-industrial domains, which are regulated by governments and international legislative bodies
What are cyber-physical systems?
Cyber-Physical Systems refer to systems comprising software components, physical components and social entities which monitor, control, and coordinate processes within a physical environment. CPSs apply to a wide range of mission-critical applications that span from the intelligent management of logistics in complex supply chains, advanced manufacturing systems and smart contracts, all the way to autonomous systems, and systems that support the smart interactions between humans and machines (M2H), or between machines (M2M).