Low cost software is future proof
An in-depth analysis by Dimitris Lyras Low cost software Future proof software is bound to be low cost software. What are, therefore, the real concerns
An in-depth analysis by Dimitris Lyras Low cost software Future proof software is bound to be low cost software. What are, therefore, the real concerns
Handheld devices bring us back to the basics of UI and Usability an article by Dimitris Lyras In this article about User Interface design, Dimitris
Task Assistant® Integration Expertise Best of Breed Solutions In the Marine Industry, best of breed solutions specialise and anticipate specific processes’ needs with dedicated focus
Unified data, your integration needs, functionality extensions and digitization of unstructured data form part of our leading technologies
Configurability: Orion Bulkers In Shipmanagement the brittle companies falter whilst the pliable prevail.Regulations change, opinions change, management changes … All of the above are not
For R10 clients, TA Mobile is now available for download on both Apple Store and Google Play Store! Contact us to assist you setting it
R10 Release! includes the NEW TA Mobile Application.Available to all the Task Assistant users with the next upgrade
Can buying software be compared to buying a sharp pair of NIKES? Ulysses Systems explains the advantages of configuration and the complexity of customisations.