The Top Down Approach To Maritime Software
The Top Down Approach To Maritime Software In this brief exposé we emphasise the top down approach to maritime software is and discuss what it
The Top Down Approach To Maritime Software In this brief exposé we emphasise the top down approach to maritime software is and discuss what it
Ulysses Systems Task Assistant® solutions are designed to do the heavy lifting, the marine enterprise needs, dynamically. Software can be much more than a good reporting and compliance tool. To really contribute value, shipping software must dynamically support the maritime enterprise with coordination and risk avoidance.
Development experience and leading technology for Ulysses Systems among other things means the following:
Software Integration in the Shipping Industry
Getting to the heart of what true software integration in the Shipping industry is
An in-depth analysis by Dimitris Lyras Low cost software Future proof software is bound to be low cost software. What are, therefore, the real concerns
Task Assistant® Integration Expertise Best of Breed Solutions In the Marine Industry, best of breed solutions specialise and anticipate specific processes’ needs with dedicated focus
Funnel or Tunnel Vision? Adding value to existing software systems In the Marine Vertical, Classification Societies are concerned about data silos. They are concerned that
In football, teamwork is better achieved with a manager. How is that relevant to integration technology?
What is the problem today with integration, part 2. In football, team players don’t just agree when to pass the ball. Integration is similar in that it’s not a translation from a source to a destination.
Ulysses Systems follows up on Marc Settle’s article in Forbes on ERP versus Best-of-breed, presenting the case for vendors seeking excellence.