Exmar Upgrades all 45 vessels to latest Task Assistant version
Most recently Exmar Shipmanagement upgraded to the latest version of the Task Assistant.
Big Change
It was a five version leap which is both unusual and challenging and many new features were enabled for users
The upgrade required good preparation, planning and execution by the joint Exmar and Ulysses teams
Vetting Inspections
Execution was even trickier considering that three vessels had planned vetting inspections at the time of the upgrade, but in the end disruption and downtime were both minimal
The vessels that had planned audits continued to use the previous version until the inspections were concluded and were then subsequently upgraded
Users went home on Friday closing having worked on the previous version and on Monday at opening went straight to using the latest version
About Task Assistant Upgrades
Ulysses produces regular TA upgrades which are available to all users upon release.
TA upgrades are interoperable which allow vessels to operate on different versions.
This eliminates the risks of upgrade execution, ensuring a smooth transition from one version to another.
All shipmanagers that have used the TA have successfully upgraded multiple versions.
Hotfixes are installed automatically on all workstations and on every version.