What does include the fundamentals not in your digital plan in your digital plan have to do with puzzles? And how does building puzzles relate to the marine industry going fully digital? The answer is that in both cases, when we go fully digital and when we build a puzzle, we need the full picture.
People like solving puzzles
Many of us love building puzzles as children. Later as adults, we are glad for the excuse to help our children finish a puzzle! Perhaps there is a deeper reason we like puzzles. Possibly, it is about finishing the job and not giving up. To introduce a little literature into our very practical lives: Craig Lounsbrough says “A puzzle with all of the difficult pieces discarded is not about the loss of the puzzle. Much like life, it is about the loss of the picture that the puzzle held for us.” Especially so for us in the marine vertical.
Building the full picture
Subsequently our industry needs the whole picture. Digital transformation helps to join all the pieces of the picture and helps identify areas the industry needs to grow in. For example, enterprises require further technological sophistication. The drive is for further safety and environmental consciousness. Even without cyber security, we have enough problems on our plate. Time pressures to reduce emissions are introducing new ways of working new fuels and new equipment, often unknown and unproven.
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Infinite... witn no straight lines
So perhaps it is valid to liken the industry to “… an infinite jigsaw puzzle with no straight lines” to delimit the full picture. And yes, the difficult parts of a puzzle are often left unfinished. Then, the opportunity to foresee a risk or exploit an opportunity are lost.
The difficult parts of the puzzle
Digital transformation is about using those difficult pieces to complete the picture. More information, more interaction of information more intelligent warnings. For example, engine control rooms used to break out into alarms as soon as a ship reduced speed. Things are better now but our information systems are just as uncoordinated as the “night club” control rooms of the past
People in the Marine Industry
People in the marine industry, just like people solving puzzles, don’t give up. The industry is well-known for the tenacity of its people in facing and solving problems. Being goal-orientated they will question technology that is pointless, non-essential and will readily adopt sensible and mature solutions. We hear a lot that digital transformation is a culture issue and that there are many people, who are laggards or opponents.
Our view
We hear a lot that digital transformation is a culture issue and that there are many people who are laggards, or opponents. We believe people are afraid of more bureaucracy and rigidity than they already can handle. Digital transformation, to succeed should not increase but reduce bureaucracy. This however requires technology and design. So, going from partially digital to fully digital requires common sense. From both the innovators and those who will benefit from it.
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