Going digital the marine enterprise way

Digitization is the driving force of our business development

Every day, we hear something about digitisation being the driving force of our business development. And every day our industry, the marine vertical, is chastised or self-chastises for not having achieved the level of digitisation worthy of praise. Then Silicone Valley comes to the rescue and offers to do the job for us. It is an enticing and glamorous prospect to let them do the job. But we definitely think that ‘going digital the marine enterprise way’ is best.

Surrender our digital transformation to companies, who are not domain experts?

Is it a good idea to surrender our digital transformation to companies, who are not domain experts? And to consultants, who don’t understand the business? More than likely, the digitisation solutions will be out of the marine enterprise context, and the services costly. Because ultimately, going digital presupposes unifying data. It also requires a mature and rich data model. But above all, as a first priority, it requires integrations that join together best of breed systems.

Refinement in integration

Also, digital transformation must contribute in unifying the enterprise IT ecosystem. For this, the enterprise will need effective integrations tools, which will provide integrated data sources. Since point to point integration exercises will not do this.
This, actually, explains the need for a rich data model with the flexibility to shape the process improvements the enterprise needs. Most of all, going digital is about making process optimisation easier and boosting enterprise performance.

What else?

What else is needed? A software vendor who will provide the user experience that marine enterprises dream about. How? Through providing views of unified data specific to each department in the enterprise. What are the obstacles today for achieving  just that?

Duplicate data

When going digital, duplicate data is a major obstacle, sometimes even a showstopper.  A vendor, however, with an understanding of the domain can help. One, who has solved the problem. Moreso, one who understands that in different processes and situations, spare parts, for example, will have different identifications. This, then, means that you require an integrated platform and a mature and rich data model of enterprise processes. And a vendor, who is not pushing to replace your best of breed applications, but one, who will join best of breed systems for you.


The marine enterprise way

So, the safe way to digitization for ship managers is ‘going digital the marine enterprise way’. Because copying other industries in their efforts to digitise will not deliver the desired results. Our experience says you can’t substitute unified data with BI. Nor can you substitute the right data model with deep learning. To sum up, the marine enterprise way, is the way to go!