Scoring Goals With Software A Best Of Breed Approach

Scoring Goals With Software: A Best Of Breed Approach

A successful football team does not just agree when to pass the ball
In football practice, team members discuss and demonstrate their moves in various scenarios.
Software Integration is similar in that it is not a translation from a source to a destination. It is an understanding of what each participant does and is likely to do with the shared information. Restricting this to data field exchange assumes no one will vary the scenarios. It also does not reflect how integration improves enterprise productivity.

There are at least three reasons why integrating software systems improves productivity:
            Integration holds together an eco-system of standalone best of breed software applications.
            It is instrumental for developing new software quickly.
            It extends existing software, allowing enterprises to adapt to new industry requirements.

A best of breed approach to software is realistic because it merges the best in your existing software with your latest needs while laying the ground for future needs.
The question is which vendor will make sure you achieve the highest productivity from your software? Vendors who care about productivity, who know the marine industry like the backs of their hands and who care about how your systems integrate.