The Ulysses Finder Testimonial by Exmar Shipmanagement

"The Ulysses Systems Finder"
A testimonial by Exmar Shipmanagement

Product reviews are immensely important for us and the Ulysses Systems Finder Testimonial by Exmar Shipmanagement more so. This is because integrating applications with email to form an overlying application was challenging, innovative and ground-breaking. And we can honestly declare that we succeeded. However, this could never have happened without the generosity of a prestigious company like Exmar, who who gave us ample leeway to achieve the proof of concept together with them. Thank you Exmar!

About the Finder

The new Ulysses Systems Web based Maritime Applications Platform includes an embedded linguistics application that integrates corporate emails with corporate applications. The Finder application features automated finding of e-mails and document content without tagging or filing or any other manual preparation. The retrieval is precisely matched to the selected process out of thousands of processes and hundreds of thousands of e-mails and documents. 

Exmar Shipmanagement Testimonial

“Exmar has been the inspiration behind the Ulysses Linguistic model called the Finder. We encouraged Ulysses and the company responded with enthusiasm and followed up with a great deal of unique innovation. But honestly speaking we never expected the results we are seeing today. We take digitization of ship management very seriously at Exmar. We never stop looking for ways to make shipboard and shore side processes more efficient. And with the sophistication of our vessels and our services this is not surprising. We also always recognized that in ship management there are a great number of unstructured discussions in e-mails, in documents, in manuals, in messages, because we cannot all work within the same structured software. But seeing is believing. With Ulysses Finder we are truly on the way to having all our information no matter where it is located accessible from any application we happen to be working on.
This is truly information at the time of need. Regardless of where it resides.”


The immediate benefits of the Finder application:

About Ulysses Systems

Ulysses Systems is a Maritime Software specialist dedicated to replacing information technology complexity and elevating usability. Its award-winning Task Assistant® Software enables office and seagoing personnel to work intuitively and efficiently with minimal training and just-in-time information. Managers should expect a fast return on total software lifecycle cost thanks to mature process optimization, the bridging of information gaps and refined integration technologies. Currently, Ulysses Systems is pioneering fast development of new annexes to existing software, including monitoring underlying systems for cybersecurity compliance.