Ulysses Systems Web-based Platform
Ulysses Systems Web-based Maritime Applications Platform
Ulysses Systems Web-based Maritime Applications Platform launch coincided with the company’s Annual User Conference, October 16-18. At the conference our technical experts showed clients the development speed and transparency of the new advanced solutions hosted by the new web-based platform:
- The new Web based Maritime Applications Platform is a unique platform that is the enterprise knowledge map, the data model and the code every maritime enterprise needs.
- Not least, it also includes an embedded linguistics application that integrates corporate e-mails with corporate applications.
- Above all, its unique architecture enables software to improve without the burden of regression testing and new product releases.
Web-Platform Highlights
Without a doubt, the new Ulysses Systems web-based platform is unique and here is why:
Hosting any software development required by clients
A requirements elicitation model makes realization of new features entirely transparent to stakeholders and enables development at a fraction of the effort required by current development methods.
Undreamed of Integrations
Ulysses Systems integrations are state of the art because integration starts from process attributes. That is, we don’t just join systems. Above all, the logic is clearly visible graphically, as it executes. Therefore, whatever the application and wherever the area, we join attributes. And we ensure these are in concert because of the visibility of the logic.
Traceability and granularity
Traceability and granularity are special and patented platform features enabling software changes to be traceable. As a result, there is no need for the many complexities of new product releases.
Significantly, traceability enables the platform to be an enterprise process map that renders the logic of any propagation between attributes and processes.
Traceable logic furthermore guarantees the explainability of algorithms and the unambiguous propagation of logic across the data model and is an essential part of ensuring clarity and predictability.
An enterprise map with proper risk related co-ordination
A marine domain goal model that reads like a map provides situational assessment of any part of the enterprise the client wishes to focus on. It also provides substantial decision support to the decision-makers by integrating emails and documents with enterprise processes in enterprise software into a converging goal map.
Patent Certificates

20 years of Ulysses product and services to Exmar Ship Management
In parallel, Ulysses Systems is celebrating 20 years of Ulysses product and services to Exmar Ship Management.
The concurrent New Platform Launch with the 20 Years of Ulysses Product and Services to Exmar Ship Management is indicative of Ulysses Systems commitment to software that always improves, demonstrated by 20 years with Exmar. And now, the new web platform allows for another 20 going forward.
We are deeply thankful to Exmar for the opportunity to serve them and especially for the extremely high standards and outstanding expertise they have provided in guiding our product improvement.
Throughout this period the software has been evolving at a significant pace, showing ground breaking new features, all of which are available to Exmar and all our clients, through seamless upgrades without having to redevelop any client specific features.
The reason is that, from the start, Ulysses Systems unique platform architecture enabled continuous product improvements without ever confronting clients with upgrade cost and complexity.
Now, the newly launched Ulysses Systems Maritime Applications Platform embraces another 20 years of future developments without imposing the slightest discontinuity to customers. This significant advantage is owed to the sophistication of the original platform and thanks to sustained periods of research, development and investment in the new platform.
About Ulysses Systems
Ulysses Systems is a Maritime Software specialist dedicated to replacing information technology complexity and elevating usability. Its award-winning Task Assistant® Software enables office and seagoing personnel to work intuitively and efficiently with minimal training and just-in-time information. Managers should expect a fast return on total software lifecycle cost thanks to mature process optimization, the bridging of information gaps and refined integration technologies. Currently, Ulysses Systems is pioneering fast development of new annexes to existing software, including monitoring underlying systems for cybersecurity compliance.