The Crew Experience Integration Solution is a joint project between Ulysses Systems and VesselMan, and a differentiator among integrations. Whereby Ulysses Systems’ integration expertise, design and usability joins with VesselMan’s leading edge technical Project Management. A a result the integration and resulting product offers customers Customers benefit from Optimal Manning.
How to capture and access crew experience
Because the System constitutes a universal solution to the problem of how to capture and index crew experience in a supremely flexible way.
Why do we need universal indexing?
We need universal indexing for crew work related records because a crewmember will go from company to company and needs to access records from many systems. Since all crews provide information and records to many different software systems in many different companies, crews must be able to extract records from any system.
Therefore, only a universal solution can bypass the massive problem of incompatibility between HR systems. Furthermore, a universal solution for capturing crew experience is essential for optimising ship operations costs.
Flexible Indexing
There are many benefits to Ulysses Systems and VesselMan’s flexible indexing of crew experience:
- Seamless crew experience reporting during vessel maintenance or during technical projects, e.g., dry-docking.
- Crews need only report once in the most appropriate system.
- The ability to extract, create, update and use records from other HR systems in the form in which each system makes them available.
Crew experience as a by-product of crews reporting their work
The System provides crew experience records as a by-product of crews reporting their work. No extra effort from crew members is required. For example, crews report completion of maintenance or dry-dock activities as they would for any PMS or DD purposes. By design and in the same move, crews provide the appropriate HR Systems with their experience records and timesheets.
Further to the benefits listed earlier, the Crew Experience Integration Solution:
Bypasses the enterprise’s rigid categorisations, which make crew experience data sharing impossible Converses with any HR system.
Optimises the manning of deep sea and offshore vessels and the cost efficiency of vessels’ technical performance
Who benefits?
Crew benefit by capturing their accumulated skills and experience from any crew management system the employer shipping company uses.
Ship management crewing departments who are looking to employ competent crew
Ship management technical departments who have the resources they need for the company technical projects
Crew Agents, who try to match the skills and experience from the pool of crew with the requirements of ship management companies